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Discernment 180








Discernment 180

Ready to get serious about discerning the priesthood or consecrated life? Discernment 180 is a six-month plan with concrete actions and daily readings. The goal is to be intentional about discernment and truly open your heart to God’s call, whatever it may be.


Start Discernment 180 Today​



What is D180?


D180 is a rule of life to help you discern your vocation.


Too often, the men brave enough to consider the priesthood go about discerning it in a way that amounts to nothing more than a vague openness to God’s will. Discernment 180 is a tool that gives solid guidance for men to discern the priesthood for six months in a concrete, specific way, that is anything but vague. 

D180 outlines a rule of life, provides meditations for daily prayer, and gives specific discernment actions to take to facilitate vocational discernment through the pursuit of holiness. By growing in holiness and intentionally considering the priesthood, we dispose our hearts to listen to the voice of God's calling and prepare to give a generous response – no matter where He leads.


​A Structured Plan to Discern Your Vocation


Discernment 180 consists of following a rule of life and completing specific discernment actions over the course of six months. The rule of life includes prayer, sacraments, virtue, service, and study. The specific discernment actions include a dating fast, spiritual direction, visiting a seminary, and making a discernment retreat.

The result? Those who are faithful to the plan can humbly anticipate God’s grace leading them to deeper holiness and more clarity regarding God’s will for their life.



Does D180 lead to absolute certainty?


​​​​​Discernment 180 is designed to help you discern your vocation, but even if 180 days come to an end and you still have questions about your vocation, there is one near certainty: by the end of Discernment 180, you will have a richer, fuller, more beautiful friendship with Jesus Christ than ever before.

That means you’ll be closer than ever to the fullness of your primary vocation: the call to holiness. And when you finally do discern your vocation, you will be on your way to being the best priest, religious, husband, or father you can possibly be.



​Grow in Holiness, Whatever Your Call


“When I started Discernment 180, I was confused about God’s will for my life, unsure of where to go next. D180 gave me the knowledge and structure I needed to discern with greater intensity and intentionality. While I certainly gained clarity about my vocation, the most important grace I received was reclaiming my sonship, my identity as a beloved son of the Father. D180 helped me realize that God is more interested in me than in what I can do for Him.”

Enrique L.


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Diocese of Columbus Vocations
197 E. Gay Street, 4th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Fr. William Hahn, Director
Fr. Michael Haemmerle, Associate Director


© 2024 Diocese of Columbus | JMJ

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