MAY 28, 2022
Saturday, May 28, would have been our diocesan ordination of new priests if we had had any being ordained this year. This is an opportune time to engage our parishioners in “begging the Master of the Harvest, to send out more laborers for the harvest.”
Parishes throughout the diocese are encouraged to celebrate a Mass or host a Holy Hour, praying for vocations on that morning. 10:00 am- Noon would have been the time of the ordination but the Mass or Prayer can be done at any time that day. Every parish in the diocese is invited to unite in raising our voices to the Lord in prayer for priestly vocations that day.
Holy cards, with a prayer for priestly vocations for our diocese, will be delivered to every parish in the diocese in the days leading up to that weekend. In addition to praying that Saturday morning with your parish, we are asking all parishes to pray the prayer at the end of all of their weekend Masses that weekend (May 28-29).
The Lord will bless us that weekend with the ordination of a transitional deacon on Friday and with an episcopal ordination on Tuesday, but that Saturday and Sunday should be devoted to prayer for future priestly ordinations. To help with this, below you will find resources to make planning that weekend simple.
Mass for Vocations – Use ‘Mass for Vocations to Holy Orders’, #9 of the Masses for Various needs, Readings selected from lectionary #857 and following (the first and third New Testament readings are particular for priestly vocations).
Format for Holy Hour for Vocations
Suggested Petitions to be included in your weekend Masses
Sample Bulletin ad/Mass announcement to notify your parishioners